Our Certified Products


All LPO ECO products (products made from recycled plastic) are certified OEKO-TEX®. OEKO-TEX® MADE IN GREEN is a traceable product label for all kinds of textiles and leather products that have been manufactured in environmentally friendly facilities under safe and socially responsible working conditions.

Cloth Diapers & Diaper Accessories

Our items listed below are CPSIA certified. CPSIA stands for Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. This law states that manufacturers of children's products must provide proof that their products conform to the highest level of safety standards.

Pocket Diapers  AIO Diapers  Newborn Diapers  • Diaper Covers • Swim DiapersWet Bags  Pail Liners  Bamboo Inserts  Night-time Inserts

Bamboo Liners

Bamboo Liners are certified SGS. The core services offered by SGS (French for General Society of Surveillance) include the inspection and verification of the quantity, weight and quality of traded goods, the testing of product quality and performance against various health, safety and regulatory standards, and to make sure that products, systems or services meet the requirements of standards set by governments, standardization bodies or by SGS customers.